
Source code for rising.transforms.functional.utility

from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch

__all__ = ["box_to_seg", "seg_to_box", "instance_to_semantic", "pop_keys", "filter_keys"]

[docs]def box_to_seg( boxes: Sequence[Sequence[int]], shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = None, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert a sequence of bounding boxes to a segmentation Args: boxes: sequence of bounding boxes encoded as (dim0_min, dim1_min, dim0_max, dim1_max, [dim2_min, dim2_max]). Supported bounding boxes for 2D (4 entries per box) and 3d (6 entries per box) shape: if :attr:`out` is not provided, shape of output tensor must be specified dtype: if :attr:`out` is not provided, dtype of output tensor must be specified device: if :attr:`out` is not provided, device of output tensor must be specified out: if not None, the segmentation will be saved inside this tensor Returns: torch.Tensor: bounding boxes encoded as a segmentation """ if out is None: out = torch.zeros(*shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) for _idx, box in enumerate(boxes, 1): if len(box) == 4: out[..., box[0] : box[2] + 1, box[1] : box[3] + 1] = _idx elif (len(box)) == 6: out[..., box[0] : box[2] + 1, box[1] : box[3] + 1, box[4] : box[5] + 1] = _idx else: raise TypeError(f"Boxes must have length 4 (2D) or 6(3D) found len {len(box)}") return out
[docs]def seg_to_box(seg: torch.Tensor, dim: int) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Convert instance segmentation to bounding boxes Args: seg: segmentation of individual classes (index should start from one and be continuous) dim: number of spatial dimensions Returns: list: list of bounding boxes tuple with classes for bounding boxes """ boxes = [] _seg = seg.detach() for _idx in range(1, seg.max().detach().item() + 1): instance_map = (_seg == _idx).nonzero() _mins = instance_map.min(dim=0)[0] _maxs = instance_map.max(dim=0)[0] box = [_mins[-dim], _mins[-dim + 1], _maxs[-dim], _maxs[-dim + 1]] if dim > 2: box = box + [c for cv in zip(_mins[-dim + 2 :], _maxs[-dim + 2 :]) for c in cv] boxes.append(torch.tensor(box).to(dtype=torch.float, device=seg.device)) return boxes
[docs]def instance_to_semantic(instance: torch.Tensor, cls: Sequence[int]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert an instance segmentation to a semantic segmentation Args: instance: instance segmentation of objects (objects need to start from 1, 0 background) cls: mapping from indices from instance segmentation to real classes. Returns: torch.Tensor: semantic segmentation Warnings: :attr:`instance` needs to encode objects starting from 1 and the indices need to be continuous (0 is interpreted as background) """ seg = torch.zeros_like(instance) for idx, c in enumerate(cls, 1): seg[instance == idx] = c return seg
[docs]def pop_keys(data: dict, keys: Union[Callable, Sequence], return_popped=False) -> Union[dict, Tuple[dict, dict]]: """ Pops keys from a given data dict Args: data: the dictionary to pop the keys from keys: if callable it must return a boolean for each key indicating whether it should be popped from the dict. if sequence of strings, the strings shall be the keys to be popped return_popped: whether to also return the popped values (default: False) Returns: dict: the data without the popped values dict: the popped values; only if :attr`return_popped` is True """ if callable(keys): keys = [k for k in data.keys() if keys(k)] popped = {} for k in keys: popped[k] = data.pop(k) if return_popped: return data, popped else: return data
[docs]def filter_keys(data: dict, keys: Union[Callable, Sequence], return_popped=False) -> Union[dict, Tuple[dict, dict]]: """ Filters keys from a given data dict Args: data: the dictionary to pop the keys from keys: if callable it must return a boolean for each key indicating whether it should be retained in the dict. if sequence of strings, the strings shall be the keys to be retained return_popped: whether to also return the popped values (default: False) Returns: dict: the data without the popped values dict: the popped values; only if :attr:`return_popped` is True """ if callable(keys): keys = [k for k in data.keys() if keys(k)] keys_to_pop = [k for k in data.keys() if k not in keys] return pop_keys(data=data, keys=keys_to_pop, return_popped=return_popped)

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