
Source code for

from typing import Optional, Sequence

import torch

from rising.transforms import BaseTransform
from rising.transforms.functional import one_hot_batch

__all__ = ["OneHot", "ArgMax"]

[docs]class OneHot(BaseTransform): """ Convert to one hot encoding. One hot encoding is applied in first dimension which results in shape N x NumClasses x [same as input] while input is expected to have shape N x 1 x [arbitrary additional dimensions] """ def __init__( self, num_classes: int, keys: Sequence = ("seg",), dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, grad: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Args: num_classes: number of classes. If :attr:`num_classes` is None, the number of classes is automatically determined from the current batch (by using the max of the current batch and assuming a consecutive order from zero) dtype: optionally changes the dtype of the onehot encoding keys: keys which should be augmented grad: enable gradient computation inside transformation **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :func:`one_hot_batch` Warnings: Input tensor needs to be of type torch.long. This could be achieved by applying `TenorOp("long", keys=("seg",))`. """ super().__init__(augment_fn=one_hot_batch, keys=keys, grad=grad, num_classes=num_classes, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
[docs]class ArgMax(BaseTransform): """ Compute argmax along given dimension. Can be used to revert OneHot encoding. """ def __init__(self, dim: int, keepdim: bool = True, keys: Sequence = ("seg",), grad: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Args: dim: dimension to apply argmax keepdim: whether the output tensor has dim retained or not dtype: optionally changes the dtype of the onehot encoding keys: keys which should be augmented grad: enable gradient computation inside transformation **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :func:`one_hot_batch` Warnings The output of the argmax function is always a tensor of dtype long. """ super().__init__(augment_fn=torch.argmax, keys=keys, grad=grad, dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim, **kwargs)

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