
Source code for rising.transforms.functional.intensity

import torch

from typing import Union, Sequence, Optional

from rising.utils import check_scalar

__all__ = ["norm_range", "norm_min_max", "norm_zero_mean_unit_std", "norm_mean_std",
           "add_noise", "add_value", "gamma_correction", "scale_by_value", "clamp"]

[docs]def clamp(data: torch.Tensor, min: float, max: float, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Clamp tensor to minimal and maximal value Args: data: tensor to clamp min: lower limit max: upper limit out: output tensor Returns: Tensor: clamped tensor """ return torch.clamp(data, min=float(min), max=float(max), out=out)
[docs]def norm_range(data: torch.Tensor, min: float, max: float, per_channel: bool = True, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Scale range of tensor Args: data: input data. Per channel option supports [C,H,W] and [C,H,W,D]. min: minimal value max: maximal value per_channel: range is normalized per channel out: if provided, result is saved in here Returns: torch.Tensor: normalized data """ if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(data) out = norm_min_max(data, per_channel=per_channel, out=out) _range = max - min out = (out * _range) + min return out
[docs]def norm_min_max(data: torch.Tensor, per_channel: bool = True, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-8) -> torch.Tensor: """ Scale range to [0,1] Args: data: input data. Per channel option supports [C,H,W] and [C,H,W,D]. per_channel: range is normalized per channel out: if provided, result is saved in here eps: small constant for numerical stability. If None, no factor constant will be added Returns: torch.Tensor: scaled data """ def _norm(_data: torch.Tensor, _out: torch.Tensor): _min = _data.min() _range = _data.max() - _min if eps is not None: _range = _range + eps _out = (_data - _min) / _range return _out if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(data) if per_channel: for _c in range(data.shape[0]): out[_c] = _norm(data[_c], out[_c]) else: out = _norm(data, out) return out
[docs]def norm_zero_mean_unit_std(data: torch.Tensor, per_channel: bool = True, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-8) -> torch.Tensor: """ Normalize mean to zero and std to one Args: data: input data. Per channel option supports [C,H,W] and [C,H,W,D]. per_channel: range is normalized per channel out: if provided, result is saved in here eps: small constant for numerical stability. If None, no factor constant will be added Returns: torch.Tensor: normalized data """ def _norm(_data: torch.Tensor, _out: torch.Tensor): denom = _data.std() if eps is not None: denom = denom + eps _out = (_data - _data.mean()) / denom return _out if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(data) if per_channel: for _c in range(data.shape[0]): out[_c] = _norm(data[_c], out[_c]) else: out = _norm(data, out) return out
[docs]def norm_mean_std(data: torch.Tensor, mean: Union[float, Sequence], std: Union[float, Sequence], per_channel: bool = True, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Normalize mean and std with provided values Args: data:input data. Per channel option supports [C,H,W] and [C,H,W,D]. mean: used for mean normalization std: used for std normalization per_channel: range is normalized per channel out: if provided, result is saved into out Returns: torch.Tensor: normalized data """ if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(data) if per_channel: if check_scalar(mean): mean = [mean] * data.shape[0] if check_scalar(std): std = [std] * data.shape[0] for _c in range(data.shape[0]): out[_c] = (data[_c] - mean[_c]) / std[_c] else: out = (data - mean) / std return out
[docs]def add_noise(data: torch.Tensor, noise_type: str, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """ Add noise to input Args: data: input data noise_type: supports all inplace functions of a pytorch tensor out: if provided, result is saved in here kwargs: keyword arguments passed to generating function Returns: torch.Tensor: data with added noise See Also: :func:`torch.Tensor.normal_`, :func:`torch.Tensor.exponential_` """ if not noise_type.endswith('_'): noise_type = noise_type + '_' noise_tensor = torch.empty_like(data, requires_grad=False) getattr(noise_tensor, noise_type)(**kwargs) return torch.add(data, noise_tensor, out=out)
[docs]def gamma_correction(data: torch.Tensor, gamma: float) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply gamma correction to data (currently this functions is intended as an interface in case additional functionality should be added to transform) Args: data: input data gamma: gamma for correction Returns: torch.Tensor: gamma corrected data """ if torch.is_tensor(gamma): gamma = return data.pow(gamma)
[docs]def add_value(data: torch.Tensor, value: float, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Increase brightness additively by value (currently this functions is intended as an interface in case additional functionality should be added to transform) Args: data: input data value: additive value out: if provided, result is saved in here Returns: torch.Tensor: augmented data """ return torch.add(data, value, out=out)
[docs]def scale_by_value(data: torch.Tensor, value: float, out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Increase brightness scaled by value (currently this functions is intended as an interface in case additional functionality should be added to transform) Args: data: input data value: scaling value out: if provided, result is saved in here Returns: torch.Tensor: augmented data """ return torch.mul(data, value, out=out)

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