
Source code for rising.transforms.crop

from typing import Sequence, Union
from rising.transforms.abstract import BaseTransform
from rising.random import AbstractParameter
from rising.transforms.functional.crop import random_crop, center_crop

__all__ = ["CenterCrop", "RandomCrop"]

[docs]class CenterCrop(BaseTransform): def __init__(self, size: Union[int, Sequence, AbstractParameter], keys: Sequence = ('data',), grad: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Args: size: size of crop keys: keys which should be augmented grad: enable gradient computation inside transformation **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to augment_fn """ super().__init__(augment_fn=center_crop, keys=keys, grad=grad, property_names=('size', ), size=size, **kwargs)
[docs]class RandomCrop(BaseTransform): def __init__(self, size: Union[int, Sequence, AbstractParameter], dist: Union[int, Sequence, AbstractParameter] = 0, keys: Sequence = ('data',), grad: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Args: size: size of crop dist: minimum distance to border. By default zero keys: keys which should be augmented grad: enable gradient computation inside transformation **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to augment_fn """ super().__init__(augment_fn=random_crop, keys=keys, size=size, dist=dist, grad=grad, property_names=('size', 'dist'), **kwargs)

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